Implant Placement With Immediate Provisional Restorations In the Esthetic Zone- CE Course sponsored by Dr. Quevedo & Zimmer Biomet
Date: March 13, 2018 Location: Del Monte Lodge Hotel & Spa- Terrace Room
Speaker: Wayne Szara, CDT- Emerging Technologies Specialist with the Zimmer Biomet Technological Services Group
TOPIC: Immediate Provisional Restorations in the Esthetic Zone
This program will provide attendees with a strong theoretical basis on the management of single tooth implants in the esthetic zone to maximize soft tissue around definitive implant restorations
At the completion of the program participants will learn:
- Different methods of fabricating immediate single non occlusal loaded provisional restorations
- How to review clinical data prior to treatment planning single unit restorations in the esthetic zone
- Hands-on restorative steps to create an immediate screw retained provisional restoration and custom impression coping